Sunday, March 27, 2016

Spring has Sprung ...

... The grass is riz
I wonder where the birdies iz ..

Well one of them is here, my subject and challenge for this week..

Stepping ever so timidly out of my comfort zone.

Strathmore 400 Series Mixed Media Paper 9 x 12
Derwent Watercolour Pencils (Thanks again Vickie!)
Windsor and Newton Watercolours

Painted from one of my own photographs

Quite happy especially as it is my first attempt in many years

C&C welcome

Saturday, March 12, 2016

This Old House ..

This old stone house is boarded up now, no doubt awaiting the wreckers ball, so I decided to depict it as it was, lit up as the sun sets, a warm fire in the fireplaces, joy and laughter echoing from inside, when it was someone's home..

The third in a series ..

C&C always welcome


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Barn on Elmira Rd

Another from my short drive around the block (about 10km) last weekend.
This one is located on Elmira Rd.
A slightly different approach this time pen (sepia ink) and wash
Same paper as before

C&C always welcome :-)

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Barn in Snow (Hwy 6)

I ripped up a piece of Curry's own brand of 200# CP paper and devoted it to a rendition of a barn on Hwy 6 N.
First I drove over to photograph it and a few other places in the gentle morning light as the snow fell softly.

As I mentioned Curry's own brand 200# CP paper (worked well without stretching) Windsor and Newton paints.

The paper has some strange artifacts as you can see in the upper left portion other than that and it being a bit thirsty it wasn't bad.

The painting is about 8" x 10". 
